BSc (hons), SLP, IASLT, CORU
Laura Foley is a Speech and Language Therapist with a BSc.Honours Degree from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. Since graduating in 2013, she worked in clinical, educational and hospital settings for four years before moving to the UAE in 2017. In this time Laura has developed a wealth of experience in supporting children presenting with a range of communication disorders including:
Laura is passionate about holistically supporting children to reach their potential and advocates for training and collaborating with parents/caregivers/ teaching staff and relevant professionals.
She is certified in Hanen It Takes Two to Talk, The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Lamh sign language, Resilience training, First Aid and Basic lifesaving, Autism and communication, Autism and Sensory Processing, Autism Learning Styles.
Sun-Fri: 7:20 – 19:20
+971 (0)2 565 1212
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